Saturday, December 20, 2014

java.lang.IllegalStateException: QUEUE_DEFINED

Error encountered binding the J2EE resource, MQ_NOTIFY_REQ, as jms/MQ_NOTIFY_REQ from C:\IBM\WID7_WTE\runtimes\bi_v7\profiles\qwps\config\cells/qcell/resources.xml
java.lang.IllegalStateException: QUEUE_DEFINED

I fixed the above error by redefining the JMS Destination (Queue) in the correct scope (I created in Server scope) and correcting the Queue Manager name in the JMS destination .

And then restarting the application server.

Friday, December 19, 2014

How to fix JMS destination corrupt error in SystemOut.log

Error description is as
CWSIP0291W: An attempt to send a message to exception destination _SYSTEM.Exception.Destination.qnode.server1-SCA.APPLICATION.qcell.Bus on messaging engine qnode.server1-SCA.APPLICATION.qcell.Bus failed due to the following : CWSIK0027E: The destination with name _SYSTEM.Exception.Destination.qnode.server1-SCA.APPLICATION.qcell.Bus is corrupt

 Messaging engine must be running

To view the status of messaging engines , go to
Service integration  ==> Buses. ==> Bus Name ==>Messaging engines

The wsadmin jython command  for resetting the destination would be

me = AdminControl.queryNames("type=SIBMessagingEngine,name=messaging_engine_name,*" )

 where messaging_engine_name is the name of the messaging engine and  can be obtained from the errors in SystemOut.log

AdminControl.invoke(me, "resetDestination", ["destination"] )
where destination is the name of the destination and can be obtained from the errors in SystemOut.log

Then in the last , stop and start the Server hosting the messaging engine.

For a websphere process server topology , there will be four buses
BPC , SCA Application , SCA System , CEI .

Example Command

 me = AdminControl.queryNames("type=SIBMessagingEngine,name=qnode.server1-SCA.APPLICATION.qcell.Bus,*" )

 AdminControl.invoke(me, "resetDestination", ["_SYSTEM.Exception.Destination.qnode.server1-SCA.APPLICATION.qcell.Bus"] )

You may get the following error after running the second command

 WASX7015E: Exception running command: " AdminControl.invoke(me, "resetDestination", ["_SYSTEM.Exception.Destination.qnode.server1-SCA.APPLICATION.qcell.Bus"] )"
; exception information: CWSIP0005E: An internal messaging error occurred INDOUBT in
el.State, 1:219:1.13

In that case

Go to
Service integration , Buses, Bus Name, Messaging engines , Messaging Engine Name , Queue Points

Select the Queue Point where Queue Depth is greater than 0

Go to Runtime Tab , Messages

 Click on delete all

This will delete all the messages in that queue point .

Restart the messaging engine or the application server itself .

Just restarting the messaging engine will get rid you of the error until there is another message in the destination .

Refresh notepad++

  1. Go to Settings>Shortcut mapper.
  2. Select the first tab (main menu)
  3. Find the "reload from disk" option (No. 3).
  4. Put an unused shortcut

Saturday, December 6, 2014

MQ multinstance Queue Managers

Testing and support statement for WebSphere MQ multi-instance queue managers

Presentation on MultiInstance Queue Managers

Knowledge Center for WebSphere MQ MultiInstance Queue Managers!/SSFKSJ_7.5.0/

Testing a shared file system for compatibility with WebSphere MQ Multi-instance Queue Managers

Creating a multi-instance queue manager for WebSphere MQ on UNIX with auto client reconnect and testing using amqsphac sample program

Creating a multi-instance queue manager for WebSphere MQ on Linux

Uninstalling WebSphere MQ!/SSFKSJ_7.0.1/


Install Java without installing

How can you Install Java without actually Installing it .

You can have this need if you don't have admin rights on the machine and you urgently want to install Java and you don't have time to wait for the IT department of the company .

So, here is the trick to do it .

I have installed Java 1.7 version using the following procedure .

Use 7 zip to extract the installer , the exe file  .  After extracting the exe , I again extracted the file which was extracted in the previous step.

Now , I have the complete Java folder along with bin and lib folder .

Here comes the tricky part .

Now , if you do java -version , you will get error as below

Error occurred during initialization of VM
java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object

java -fullversion will work
java -fullversion
java full version "1.7.0_07-b11" 

Solution : Its taken from the link

Check in your JDK folder for *.pack files in jre/lib and jre/lib/ext such as rt.pack (the default location is Drive(C or D):\nameof_jdk_folder\jre\lib for Microsoft Windows and /usr/java/lib for Unix/GNU Linux)
Those *.pack files need to be unpacked to .jar files using this command:

For Windows:
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\unpack200 -r -v -l "" rt.pack rt.jar

For *nix, a similar command line will unpack the files:
cd /usr/java/lib
/usr/bin/unpack200 rt.pack rt.jar

Then run java -version .

You have successfully setup the Java .

Another way to do the Java setup is to copy the folder from an existing machine where the Java setup is already done. But for that , you need to have USB access to the machine which you may not be having .

In the above technique of installing Java , either you need to have the installable with you or You should have the internet access to download the JAVA installable.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Jython error from websphere integration developer

Getting an error as below while running Jython script from websphere integration developer .

Unable to find a valid IP for host localhost

Double Click on server and change localhost to

Restart WID

Run Jython again


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Deployment WID is giving error

While doing prepare  for deployment in websphere integration developer , if you are getting the following error  RMIC command failed on project.

Deploying ear
  Deployment from had errors: 

  RMIC command failed on project: with message:
Further details have  been recorded in the .log file in D:\workspaces\ \.metadata
  Deployment from had errors: 

  Deployment from had errors: 
    Web service deployer ignored Project     since the target runtime is unknown.
      Web service deployer ignored Project    since the target runtime is unknown.

Then go to Windows , Preferences , Search for WebSphere and then click the checkbox under Java EE , WebSphere Application Server to allow always run RMIC in a seperate process.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Launching WID 7 Fix Pack 5 error

After installing Websphere Integration Developer  Fix pack 5.

Launching WID is giving error

In order to get rid of this error . Edit the file
"<WID_Install>/configuration/config.ini". Specify the value "org.eclipse.update.reconcile=true" at the end of the file.
And restart WID.
This value can be removed from 'config.ini' once WID has launched successfully.
Another way to get rid of this error is to first apply WID fix pack 4 on the top of WID 7 fix pack 1 , 2 or 3 as per your installation . And then apply fix pack 5 on top of that .


Monday, September 29, 2014

Not able to launch sqldeveloper

You have installed sqldeveloper to connect to a remote oracle database or a local database on your system but  you are not able to launch it .

You are getting any error similar as below .

Java software is installed.
Can not find java
JVM argument is not correct etc. etc.

Then you can edit the following file and correct the path of JAVA HOME


Below is the line that needs to be added at the top of sqldeveloper.conf

SetJavaHome D:\app\User\product\11.1.0\db_1\jdk

Thats it , your problem is fixed.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The system is unable to generate synchronization request

ADMS0005E: The system is unable to generate synchronization request: ADMN0022E: Access is denied for the getRepositoryEpoch operation on ConfigRepository MBean because of insufficient or empty credentials.

The problem may come only when Global Security is enabled .

In Administrative console:
SSL certificate and key management -> Key set groups ->Select Key set group name ->

Check that whether the box for "Automatically generate keys" is unchecked . It is unchecked by default.

Go back,
In  the Key set groups -> select key set Group name and hit Generate Keys button.

Click OK and Save to save the changes to the master configuration.

Stop the Nodes

Manually synchronize the node by running

As security is enabled , you will be running the below command -username -password

Stop the Dmgr and start dmgr , nodes , servers.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Passport india having Trouble Logging in while resetting password

Having Trouble Logging in
Login Id and Date of Birth do not match. Re-Enter Details

Solution :

Go to registered email inbox .
Search for the email from  with the subject line Account activation.

This email will have your login id and date of birth.

In case , you are not able to search for that email . Then try with Date of Birth as your correct date and month  but the year as  in which you created your account.

For example , if you were born on 1st May 1985, Then try the date of birth as 1st May and the year in which you created the account in passport website.

After you are successfully able to login , do not forget to correct the date of birth.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

useful Command for windows server

net user /domain

The above command will return with all the user details such as group names , password expiry date etc.

Use the following command to add domain user to a local group such as ora_dba

Run command prompt  as administrator

net localgroup \ /add

net localgroup ora_dba GEO\ashish /add

Follwing are the commands to give the details of currently logged in user in a windows machine

whoami /groups

whoami /priv

whoami /all

To find all the users logged in a windows server

Go to Task Manager, Users

To find the system information including domain name , memory , number of processors etc.

Use the command

Displaying the value of a variable in windows
echo %PATH%

Just typing set will display all variables along with values

If you want to display all the variables with the string mq, Use

set|findstr mq
set|findstr -i mq
-i will ignore case for the string mq

Run the below command to run a exe  as a particular user which is different from the current user logged in. 
runas /user:USER-NAME "C:\full\path\of\Program.exe"
Then , Enter the password.

Compare two files in windows
Use the command fc
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Firewall Rules>fc "Firewall & F5 change request for
Test Environment - Copy.xlsx" "Firewall & F5 change request for Test Environment
Comparing files Firewall & F5 change request for Test Environment - Copy.xlsx an
FC: no differences encountered

One of the great ways to execute UNIX commands on windows OS.

Install cygwin and then execute regular UNIX commands. This is very helpful for a UNIX guy who is working on a windows system. He does not have to learn windows powershell , dos commands to do a particular job like searching for a file with a particular string , listing directories by their size , finding file with huge size etc. It becomes a powerful tool . Much powerful than a windows search.