Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Disabling WebSphere administrative security

Earlier I used to go to 
and vi the security.xml , search for first string enabled and make enabled="false"
Now, there is no need to edit the security.xml to disable security .

You can just follow the below procedure.

If you have multiple profiles , then its necessary to run from the profile where you want to disable the security.

./ -conntype NONE
wsadmin> securityoff 
wsadmin>  exit 
Restart the servers.

IBM WebSphere QMGR certificate label name

IBM WebSphere MQ specifies requirements for the queue manager and clients personal certificate label names

QMGR Certificate label name has to be 
ibmwebspheremq+QMGR Name where QMGR Name has to be in lower case

In case , the user has created the certificate request file with wrong label , then the label name can be easily changed via ikeyman tool .

Open the kdb file , View the personal certificate and rename it

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Password recovery from stash file

Copy the below contents to a file and save as

use strict;

die "Usage: $0 \n" if $#ARGV != 0;

my $file=$ARGV[0];
open(F,$file) || die "Can't open $file: $!";

my $stash;
read F,$stash,1024;

my @unstash=map { $_^0xf5 } unpack("C*",$stash);

foreach my $c (@unstash) {
    last if $c eq 0;
    printf "%c",$c;
printf "\n";

perl key.sth
where key.sth is your stashed password