Step 1:
Go to WAS_INSTALL_ROOT\ProcessChoreographer\config
cd D:\IBM\WID7_WTE\runtimes\bi_v7\ProcessChoreographer\config
The below command can be run for standalone profile in case
you have multiple profiles
setupEventCollector.bat -conntype none -profileName rwps
where rwps is the name of the profile .
Optionally , you can add
parameters ([-node nodeName] [-server serverName] ) | ( -cluster
clusterName) if you are using multiple
nodes, multiple servers , cluster.
In a network deployment environment, you must
start the tool on the deployment manager node, using the -profileName option to specify the deployment manager profile.
Please refer to the below link
While specifying the name of database, you can also give an
existing database name.
Even if you give create database as yes in this case, it
will identify that database exists already and will create the required schemas
D:\IBM\WID7_WTE\runtimes\bi_v7\ProcessChoreographer\config>setupEventCollector.bat -conntype none -profileName rwps
WASX7357I: By request, this scripting client is not
connected to any server pro
ess. Certain configuration and application operations will
be available in loca
Welcome to the
WebSphere Business Process Choreographer Event Collector setup!
Logfile is 'D:\IBM\WID7_WTE\runtimes\bi_v7\profiles\rwps\logs\setupEventCollect
Initializing ...
Commands Menu
1) Prepare a
database for the Event Collector and reporting function
2) Install the Event
Collector application
3) Remove the Event
Collector application and related objects
4) Change
configuration settings of an installed Event Collector
5) Drop the database
schema of the Event Collector and reporting function
6) Administer
reporting function related user-defined functions
0) Exit Menu
Your selection: 1
==> Prepare a database for the Event Collector and
reporting function
Select the type of your database provider:
c) Derby
d) DB2 Universal
i) DB2 iSeries
8) DB2 V8 on z/OS
9) DB2 V9 on z/OS
o) Oracle
0) Exit Menu
Your selection: [c]
==> Derby
Do you want to create an SQL file only (delay database
y) yes
n) no
Your selection: [n]
==> no
Specify the JDBC driver type to be used:
1) Connect using the
embedded or embedded 40 JDBC driver
2) Connect using the
network or network 40 JDBC driver
Your selection: [1]
==> Connect using the embedded or embedded 40 JDBC driver
Specify the database to be used.
Note: For Derby provide the fully qualified path, like
Specify the name of your database: [D:\IBM\WID7_WTE\runtimes\bi_v7\profiles\rw
ERROR: The specified path D:\IBM\WID7_WTE\runtimes\bi_v7\profiles\rwps\database
\BPEDB does not exist or is inaccessible.
Do you want to create the database
y) yes
n) no
c) cancel
Your selection: [y]
==> yes
Specify the directory of your JDBC driver: [D:\IBM\WID7_WTE\runtimes\bi_v7\der
==> D:\IBM\WID7_WTE\runtimes\bi_v7\derby\lib
Trying to connect to database
bases\BPEDB;create=true' ...
Connected to 'D:\IBM\WID7_WTE\runtimes\bi_v7\profiles\rwps\databases\BPEDB;crea
Specify the database schema to be used: [APP]
==> APP
Processing the SQL file ...
Total time: 13 seconds
The setup of the database completed successfully.
SQL statements were written to
Database logfile is written to
Note: To allow the Event Collector to work with this
database, you must also se
up a datasource within the Administrative Console.
Commands Menu
1) Prepare a
database for the Event Collector and reporting function
2) Install the Event
Collector application
3) Remove the Event
Collector application and related objects
4) Change
configuration settings of an installed Event Collector
5) Drop the database
schema of the Event Collector and reporting function
6) Administer
reporting function related user-defined functions
0) Exit Menu
Your selection:
Step 2:
Create the DataSource in WebSphere with authentication alias
as none and map it to BPC explorer application.