Sunday, June 7, 2009

Ant build scripting

My experience with Ant ..
Here I was going through a problem ..I have to integrate svn repository to an ant build script.I was new to ant .so  I googled abt ant ..and learnt several things ..about ant ..Ant in about four tasks init (creating directories for build etc) compile dist (creating distributable) and last is clean (deleting all the directories which you have created for build during init except your distributable file)
Now coming to my problem,I found two ways ,
first copying few jars to my classpath and then adding svn task.
Second,using the exec passing the arguments "svn update" to ksh is a problem..
passing the arguments "svn update --Dir Path --" to ksh ..problem resolved.
Thats what I found about ant scripting.There is nothing much advanced with ant ..And yes ..I heard that there is something as custom task.Lets see ..when will I get a chance to learn that.

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