This is an incomplete article but will give you a good idea about moving WebSphere Application Server profiles from one system to another .
For WebSphere questionaires refer to site and
Taking a backup of profile
manageprofiles.bat -backupProfile -profileName qwps -backupFile qwpsBackup
INSTCONFFAILED: Cannot backup profile: For more information, consult D:\IBM\WID7
In windows , you may have problem related to long paths . Therefore shortening the path of the backup file to D:\ and executed the command again
D:\IBM\WID7_WTE\runtimes\bi_v7\bin>manageprofiles.bat -backupProfile -profileName qwps -backupFile D:\
INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: The profile backup operation was successful.
- In a command prompt, browse to the \bin directory. Type cd \bin.
For example: cd c:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin
- Restore the profile. Type manageprofiles -restoreProfile -backupFile . For example
manageprofiles -restoreProfile -backupFile c:\backup\
The manageprofiles command-line tool always restores to the same path from which the profile was backed up.
- Verify that the profile is restored. Browse to the \profiles directory. For example: \profiles\AppSrv01. If the profile is restored successfully, a folder for the restored profile is displayed.
Note this method does not work across the hetrogenous platforms . If you have backed up in windows , then you can only restore in Windows.
Exporting and importing WAS profile
Server must be running
wsadmin.bat -port SOAP CONNECTOR PORT
where SOAP CONNECTOR PORT is a variable depending on your server configuration
Importing to my another standalone profile on Solaris platform where is evaluating JACL .I am not interested to change from JACL to Jython. So I will just use the JACL version of the command.
$AdminTask importWasprofile {-archive /export/home/wps/}
$AdminConfig save
In order to regenerate the default certificates , change the hostname of node.
Refer to below link
Admin Console may not be working after importing the profile .I have imported the profile from Windows to Solaris.May be that's the reason I am not able to access admin console.
use the below command to install the admin console
wsadmin.bat –f install
IBM link for the same is
It says composition unit with name isclite already exists.
I will try to remove and install –f remove
Remove is failing with the error that isclite.ear does not exists
Now , I did a search for files with isclite as string
I removed the directories cus and blas inside
Now did again
wsadmin.bat –f install
That is also not working and giving the error Virtual Host not found. I am aware of this
error but I can not modify the virtual host until I have admin console .
Before trying something else , I have decided to create a profile with same name , same
cell name and same node name and then do the import . This way , it will be much cleaner .
After creating the profile , I have taken the backup before doing the import .
Started the server1 and now going to do the import .
after doing the reinstall of admin console , I found
that several variables have been created
twice like WAS_INSTALL_ROOT , WBI_INSTALL_ROOT and location of few derby databases
which were used in windows system such as MEDB , EVENTDB , WPRCSDB , Business
Space was imported as it is .
observed from Environment -->
WebSphere Variables
Getting error
EJB Timer
Service not started
component in name DefaultEJBTimerDataSource not found
Viewed the DefaultEJBTimerDataSource
by changing preferences to show built-in resources
While doing Test connection , getting error EJBTimerDB not
used the below command to create all derby databases
setupEventCollector.bat -conntype none -profileName rwps
whichever was giving error during the test connection .
Used the same database name as per the datasource parameters
Uninstalled wpsFEMgr_7.0.0 as this is giving errors . I only
want to run a web application .
Uninstalled BPCECollector_qnode_server1 as well.
Uninstalled the BSpacewebformsEnabler_qnode_server1
Resources-->Schedulers-->Create tables